(Week 444)
This RADIOLA! is keeping its hands in its pockets on Slack Friday.
RADIOLA! streams continuously from my Live365 station. A penny saved-cast here. Each RADIOLA! program is sent to subscribers on my mailing list (email here).
Frank Richardson - I've Got a Song For Sale (1923) - Cameo 431
Larry Adler - With Plenty of Money and You (1937) - Columbia FB 1703 (UK)
Willard Robison (w/Ipana Troubadours) - Wake Up! Chill'un, Wake Up! (1929) - from Columbia 1779 D
International Novelty Orch (E. J. Daly v) - Medley Fox Trot from “A Sale and a Sailor” (1926) - Victor 19982 B
The Vanderbilt Orch (Harry Archer) (Ernie Cutting dir) - A Little Bungalow (1926) - Vocalion A 15233
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orch - Down and Out Blues (1925) - Victor 19866 A
Mask and Wig Glee Chorus (U Penn) - Gems from "A Sale and a Sailor" (1926) - Victor 19982 A
Crescent Trio (J. Melton L. James E. Shaw) - Our Bungalow of Dreams (1928) - Victor 21230 A
Genevieve Davis - Haven't Got a Dollar to Pay the House Rent Man (1927) - Victor 20648 A
Benson Orch of Chicago (Bestor) - Easy Melody (1923) - Victor 19147 A
University Six (Arthur Fields v) - Lazy Weather (1927) - Velvet Tone 1433 V
Lou Gold and his Orch (Irving Kaufman v) - Buy, Buy for Baby (1928) - Velvet Tone 1814 V
Marion Harris - Beside a Babbling Brook (1923) - Brunswick 2421 A
WMCA Broadcasters (Irving Kaufman v) - At Peace With The World (1926) - Harmony 175 H
Bessie Smith - Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out (1929) - Columbia 37577
Stephanie Trick - Nothin' (Luckey Roberts) (2010) - Live (TRCD004)
Gary Lawrence and his Sizzling Syncopators (Frank Scafuri v) - Lazy (1980) - Columbia M 35824
Joe Hayman - Cohen Buys a Wireless Set (1922) - Columbia A3832
The Lion - I Am Going To Buy A Bungalow (1938) - Calypso Carnival (Rounder CD 1077)
The Caresser - The More They Try to Do Me Bad (1938) - Calypso Breakway 1927-1941 (Rounder CD 1054)
Al Katz and his Orch (Bill Brookins v) - I May Be Wrong (1929) - Columbia 1971 D
Paul Specht and his Orch (Johnny Morris v) - I Found a Million Dollar Baby (1931) - Columbia 2482 D
Willie Creager and his Orch (Chick Bullock v) - Ten Cents a Dance (1930) - Perfect 15328 B
Gene Austin - Peace of Mind (1929) - Victor 22068 B
Rudy Vallee - Here It Is Monday And I've Still Got A Dollar (1932) - Columbia 2730 D
Frankie Half Pint Jaxon and his Hot Shots - Fifteen Cents (1933) - Sound of Chicago III (Columbia CL 2146)
Sam Lanin and his Orch (Paul Small v) - I've Got Five Dollars (1931) - Velvet Tone 2331 V
Carroll Gibbons and the Savoy Hotel Orpheans (Harry Bentley v) - Easy Come, Easy Go (1934) - Columbia CD 773
Slim Green - It's Easy To Remember (1935) - Decca 7105 B
Willie “The Lion” Smith and his Cubs - Peace Brother Peace (1937) - Timeless CBC 1-012
Hal Kemp and his Orch (Smoothies v) - Love For Sale (1939) - Victor 27285 A
Chick Endor - Let's Call It A Day (1926) - Vocalion A 15382
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