This RADIOLA! has more leftovers than it knows what to do with.
RADIOLA! streams continuously from my Live365 station. Cold turkey-cast here. Each RADIOLA! program is sent to subscribers on my mailing list (email here).
Julie Wintz and his Hofbrau Orch (Bill Zimmer v) -
She Don't Wanna (1927) - Velvet Tone 1436 V
The Delta Four - Swingin' on The Famous Door (1935) -
Decca 737 A
Gladys Rice - Wake Up! Chill'un, Wake Up! (1929) -
Edison 52606 L
Jack Hylton and his Orch - Anybody But You (1927) -
HMV B 5358
Al Goering's Collegians (Ben Bernie) (Frank Munn v) -
Precious (1926) - Vocalion B 15409
Frank Trumbauer and his Orch - Riverboat Shuffle
(1927) - UHCA 30
Billy Jones and Ernie Hare - Why Aren't Yez Eatin'
More Oranges? (1925) - Vocalion A 15210
Fanny Brice - My Man (1927) - Victor 21168 A
Harry Reser's Jazz Pilots (Tom Stacks v) - That's a
Good Girl (1926) - Okeh 40730 B
Selvin's Novelty Orch - Dardanella (1919) - Victor 18633 A
Della Robbia Orch (Max Fells) - Paper Doll (1921) -
Actuelle 020555 B
Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orch - There's No One
Just Like You (1924) - Victor 19357 A
Hawaiian Quintette - One Two Three Four (1913) -
Victor 18573 B
Billy Murray - At The Moving Picture Ball (1920) -
Aeolian Vocalion A 14049
Betty Morgan - But I Do, You Know I Do (1926) - Pathe
Actuelle 32180 B
Jeff Healey (Drew Jurecka violin) - Black And Blue
Bottom (2007) - Last Call
Fritz Kreisler - Gypsy Serenade (Charles R. Valdez)
(1919) - Victrola 709 A
Palace Trio (R Wiedoeft M Perry JR Robinson) - Hold
Me (intro Do You Know) (1920) - Victor 18682 A
Eddie Frazier and his Plantation Orch - Everything is
Hotsy-Totsy Now (1925) - Timeless CBC 1-061
Jack Pettis and his Pets - Spanish Dream (1928) -
Victor 21559 B
Dan Russo's Oriole Orch (v) - I'm The Medicine Man
For The Blues (1929) - orig Brunswick 4490 (Healey col)
Jack Phillips' Melodians (Harry Bidgood) (Sam Browne
v) - Always In All Ways (1931) - Broadcast Twelve 3039 B
Billy Mayerl piano (Phyllis Robins v) - You Can't
Stop Me From Loving You (1931) - Columbia DB 639
Hoagy Carmichael and his Orch - Barnacle Bill the Sailor (1930) -
Beat the Band to the Bar (Living Era CD AJA 5599) orig Victor V-38139
Dick Robertson - Was That The Human Thing To Do?
(1932) - Velvet Tone 10504 V
Richard Himber and His Orchestra (Joey Nash v) -
Winter Wonderland (1934) - Complete Vol.2 (Renovation 7007)
The BBC Dance Orch (Henry Hall) (Les Allen v) - Did
You Ever See a Dream Walking? (1933) - Columbia CB 699
Reilly and Comfort - St. Louis Blues (1933) - Decca F
3574 (UK)
Mildred Bailey and her Orch - What Have You Got That
Gets Me? (1938) - Vocalion 4406
Connee Boswell (Victor Young orch) - Smoke Gets in
Your Eyes (1941) - Decca 25055 A
Jesse Crawford - Estrellita (1927) - Victor 20586 A